Merge Sort
Hi there, I am back with another article on one of the most important algorithms in the world of DSA. In this article we would be covering Merge Sort and talk about its various aspects. So, without wasting much time let's jump into the topic right away.
Merge sort is another type of sorting algorithm whose time complexity is O(N*logN). The worst, average and best time complexity of merge sort always remains same, that is, O(N*logN). You must be thinking why the time complexity is same for all cases. Well, the answer to that we will get as we move further in our discussion.
It works on divide and conquer technique, where the given array is divided into
smaller somebodies of two halves and then sorting is done.
Source Code:
conquer() function:
In the source code, it first takes the array length and its element as input from the user and then divide( ) function is called/invoked on line 73. As shown above, inside the divide( ) function the array is being continuously divided recursively into two halves.
After this, conquer( ) function is used to sort the given sub-arrays. This process takes place inside the function by creating L[ ] and R[ ] integer arrays where the elements of first half is stored in L[ ] array and similarly for second-half R[ ] array is used.
In further steps, the elements of both the arrays are compared as shown on line 22(L[i]<=R[j]) of the code and the elements are then placed inside the bigger array A[ ](out of which the two subparts are being extracted) according to the requirement, that is, either ascending or descending order.
Why Best, Average and Worst Time Complexity same?
Did you get the answer? If not, then try to understand the methodology of this code.
See, neither the divide function nor the conquer function depends on the order of elements. The divide function will keep on dividing the array even if the array is sorted. Similarly, the conquer function would traverse and check each element within the given range irrespective of the order in which the elements are arranged (sorted or unsorted).