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Pattern 3 | Java (Code 5)


Problem Statement:

Write a program to draw the following pattern:


      * *

    * * *

  * * * *

* * * * *

(Take a variable n which decides the number of rows, for above example, n=5)




In the above problem, the value of is 8 (i.e., the number of rows is 8)

1. The first for loop is used to define the rows. 

It is having a counter variable i with an initial value of 1 followed by a conditional statement, i less than or equal to n. It is having an updating statement i++. Inside the loop's body we further have two for loops and a print statement System.out.println( ) for jumping on to the next line (to change the row) after each column in the particular row has been printed.

2. The second for loop is used to print white space. 

It is having a counter variable j with an initial value of 1 followed by a conditional statement, j less than or equal to n-i. It is having an updating statement j++. Inside the loop's body a print statement System.out.print(" ") for printing white space characters column-wise, i.e., columns where *(star) is not required.


3. The third for loop is used to print stars (*). 

This loop will start after the second for loop terminates. It is having a counter variable k with an initial value of 1 followed by a conditional statement, k less than or equal to i. It is having an updating statement k++. Inside the loop's a print statement System.out.print("* ") for printing *(star) column-wise. 


When the third loop terminates the execution will jump on the print statement of the first for loop, that is, System.out.println( ) which changes the row in the output. After this, execution will check the conditional statement in the first for loop, if the condition is true the process will continue and if the condition is false the entire loop terminates.


Hope you liked this explanation, for any feedback or doubt you can comment down in the comment section

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