Bubble Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly comparing and swapping adjacent elements in an array until they are in the correct order. It is called bubble sort because the smaller elements "bubble" to the top of the array, while the larger elements sink to the bottom. Quick Video Explanation: How Bubble Sort Works Bubble sort works by iterating through the array from left to right and comparing each pair of adjacent elements. If the element on the left is larger than the element on the right, they are swapped. This way, the largest element in the array moves to the rightmost position in each iteration. This process is repeated until no more swaps are needed, which means the array is sorted. To illustrate how bubble sort works, let's use the example of sorting the array [30,90,50,10,40] in ascending order. First Iteration/Pass: The first step is to compare the first two elements, 30 and 90. Since 30 is smaller than 90, they are already i...